1. Content gold mine

We recognised the gold mine of compelling video content available in non-profit organisations due to the positive impact they have on lives. These are impact stories of beneficiaries and other stakeholders that provide fertile ground for engaging content. The opportunity is that creating a brand story about a non profit can be limiting and repetitive, its impact on the many lives it affects is potentially limitless. By sharing these stories non-profits convey their work and impact without the hard sell to audiences – and we believe this has much more lasting impact as we thematically convey this idea through the stories we share.

2. Authenticity over production value

Let’s be honest. Youtube brought audience production expectations down. More importantly, audiences could look past production quality and engage with the authenticity or concept without the dress. This means less resources on big production teams.

Video production process for non-profits do not have the same pressures as for profit organisations and sometimes a slick production may work against a non-profit eg. donors may think you have too much money or don’t require their support if the production looks expensive.  More does not necessarily equate to more results. We actually prefer more from less.

How we we raised $100K for Byron Community Centre with a video filmed on an iPhone during Covid.

3. Fundraising 

While the use of video storytelling seems obvious for fundraising for a non-profit video production company, we’ve seen exceptional results in digital retention programs.

Video is a powerful way to emotionally re-engage donors, it conveys what words and pictures alone cannot. As a multilayered medium, effective video content offers unique opportunities for non-profit organisation to achieve multiple outcomes such as educating audiences to increasing brand awareness in a single video.

4. Re-energizing your purpose

Your video impacted beyond our fundraising objectives, impacting staff and volunteers by re-energizing our purpose with them…” Emma Smythe, Direct Marketing Manger, Canteen

A professional non-profit video can not only appeal to one stakeholder group, but continue impacting other key stakeholders. Advocacy videos for nonprofits tend to convey the amazing work of non-profits so one investment can continue reaping returns in different ways.

The original fundraising event video, Moving the Limit was produced for a high level donor event for Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation. It was used as video marketing on their website to receive over 41,000 views. View the case study here.

5. Highly shareable content

When an engaged advocate is given the material to promote “their” charity, nothing works as well as compelling impact stories. This is because a story that is authentic and is not a direct pitch or sell gives audiences the freedom to share without feeling like they’re pushing your agenda. It opens up possibilities of sharing thats based on common human interest rather than the hard sell or thinly veiled influencer promotion we’re all wary of.